Thursday, October 14, 2010

Bedtime Routine

Bedtime is quite likely my favorite part of the day. Not only because of the quiet that usually follows but because it's such a great Daddy-Dawsie time. When Dawson was first born, I read in the Healthy Sleep / Happy Child book that kids need a bedtime routine so they can start preparing themselves to sleep. So with little variation, here's how our bedtime routine has looked since Dawson was about 6 weeks old.

We give him milk while changing his diaper and putting on his pajamas. We then move to the rocking chair, where he continues to drink his milk (the amount has been lessened as he's gotten older) as we read him some books. The reading is one of my favorite parts of the routine. We read a few normal/ daytime books but we eventually end with several night-time books. Books such as Night, Night, Little Pookie, Pajama Time, The Going to Bed Book, Five Little Monkeys, and the night-time classic Goodnight, Moon.

After reading and drinking the milk, it's time to pray together. I say, "Dawson, it's time to pray." Sometimes, Dawson responds by folding his hands. Lately, he's started responding by whining and squirming because he knows it's almost time for bed. But when he does fold his hands, my heart melts.

The last part of the routine is the "night-night song," Hush Little, Baby is the official song. One nostalgic thing about this song is that I can remember my mom singing it to me, and tickling me at the end of it, just as I do to Dawson now. Lately, Dawson has wanted to turn around and hug and look at me while I sing him this song. He often smiles, gives me a kiss then puts his head on my shoulder as I finish the song. Last night, he smiled at me and got his face close to mine in a very precious moment.

When the song is over, I let him know it's time for night-night, I put him in the crib, cover him with a blanket and give him a stuffed animal. He usually dives onto that stuffed animal as I cover him with a blanket. Most of the time, he's close to being asleep before I even shut the door. Most of the time...

1 comment:

  1. Mommy and Dawsie follow the same routine, but I usually sing different songs every night. Some of the ones I want to rememer are: You are My Sunshine, Tu Ra Lu Ra Lu Ra, Twinkle Twinkle, We Love You Dawson, Baby Mine
