Saturday, June 2, 2012

"I be cold with you."

It's been funny for Erin to see that I'm not the only male who believes less clothes is better
than more clothes.  In fact, Erin has now realized that the desire to wear pretty much only
underwear is a universal male trait.  Dawson's favorite outfit is nothing but a diaper with
his next favorite outfit being a shirt and diaper.

So when I happen to be walking from the shower or from the bedroom to iron my pants and wearing
only underwear, Dawson immediately drops his drawers and strips off his shirt in order to join
the'a la mode' of the male househould. And since toddlers still bond with skin-to-skin contact,
Dawson runs up and asks me to hold him or he just grabs my bare legs.  Dawson also usually adds an
"I be cold with you, Daddy."  It's very humorous and incredibly predictable.  If Dawson ever
sees me without pants or without a shirt, he immediately removes the corresponding article of
clothing.  When he does this, Erin and I just laugh.

"Cold" is usually how Dawson describes his pants-less mode.  Most likely it's because whenever he
does strip off his pants, which is quite often, we tell him he'll get cold without his clothes.
Especially when Dawson and I are down in the cold basement jumping in the bed and Dawson strips
off his pants, I ask a bewildered, "why do you want to be cold."  I guess Dawson is numb to the cold
or just figures that no matter his body temperature, the male bonding that occurs while
jumping on the bed needs to be done sans-pants.

I'm not sure whether he'll ever grow into the civilized notion that pants are not a bad thing.

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