Sunday, November 20, 2011

October Videos and some memories

Finally, some more videos.

I usually can't catch most of the funny stuff on video and Dawson typically throws a fit and stops doing whatever cute thing he was doing, when I do pull out the camera. So I wanted to at least write down some of the funny things he says on a regular basis as he's trying to master the English language.

- We have an alphabet book with Grover twisting his body into each letter. It's a book that I read as a kid, too. When we get to the "H", Dawson puts one hand and one leg down and attempts to stick the other limbs straight up into the air, just like Grover. It's quite funny.

- He loves saying "Oooozzzzy mud" when we're reading "Going on a Bear Hunt."

- He throws temperamental fits when he wants the other parent to do whatever the first one is attempting. Even something simple like giving him his milk. If' dad is doing it, but he wants mom to do it, its "Mommy wants to do it." He's been saying "____ wants to do it" instead of "I want _____ to do it" for quite awhile now. It's usually quite, though not always.

- When he does something for which he thinks we should thank him but for which we failed to do so, he announces, "I yelcome."

- When he wants us to cuddle with him on the couch, it's "I cuddle for you."

- When he needs some fresh air, its "I pay back yard."

- When he wants us to chase him, "I get you."

- When he wants to wrestle, "I jump on daddy!"

- When giving a thoughtful or playful response, "aahhhh.... NO / aahhh... YES."

- When finishing the ABC song, "Next time won't you sing with Dawson (or Elmo).

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