Friday, August 20, 2010

First Haircut

If you've met my son, you know that he has beautiful curly, blond hair. For almost 6 months, it has had generous curls, that kept getting fuller and more abundant as it grew. Needless to say, I couldn't cut it. I kept talking about it and lots and lots of people told me I shouldn't. It was a terrible thing to think about - losing my baby's curls felt like losing my baby. This was one milestone that I been putting off for a long time.
Then one day, before school started back up again, I called and made an appointment and decided that I just needed to go and do it. After all, his hair was starting to touch the bottom of his neck and his bangs were definitely hanging in his eyes. I could still wet it and gel it and make it look okay, but I definitely didn't want it to get to the afro stage. :)

So, we arrived at Shear Madness and Brandi brought my little baby to one of the fancy car chairs for his first ever haircut. She started by cutting of f a few curls and putting them in little keepsake baggies. I appreciate that now and know that I will treasure those baby locks in his baby book as he grows up.
As you can see, his curls are still there, just trimmed up and revealing a little boy where there was once a baby. It took me a few days to gt over the curls being gone. I couldn't even post a picture because it was so hard to let my "baby" go. I realized, however, that he is STILL the CUTEST boy on the planet, baby curls or not.

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